SEBA Project makes dev works transparent in Dakshin Surma


S A Shofiee, Sylhet :
Social Engagement for Budgetary Accountability (SEBA) Project in Dakshin Surma under Sylhet district has mobilised public representatives and mass community to ensure the quality and transparency of the works. .
Development works in Union Parishads have become transparent and accountable. SEBA project is being implemented by an NGO named Institute of Development Affairs (IDEA) in association with Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF). Since last two years the project is being implementing to make Union parishads more responsive and people oriented.
In a close enquiry with people and public representatives its positive side has come out and being visible. The project engages the community by creating community support group CSG consists of 27 members for each UP. Apart from this, Union Parishad, Ward Committee (WC), Scheme supervision committee (SSC) and CSG members have received training on LGSP-II, Social accountability tools and right to information act’2009. As a result in recent it has been found that before annual budget union parishads are calling ward shovas, planning meeting and open budget by ensuring mass participation to inform yearly plan of a Union Parishad, which was a day-dream before facilitating the SEBA project’
The project entitled SEBA has a constructed goal of ensuring peoples participation in Planning, Budgeting, scheme selection and implementation under LGSP-II. In accordance with right to information act’ 2009 and Union Parished management act 2009 the project aims at free flow of information to the mass community. In the search of SEBA success, it is found that Union Perishads of Dakshin Surma Upazilla are now more transparent regarding information disclosure through notice board, citizen charter, budget display board, scheme information board etc and its being appreciated by the community.
The project is successful in its activities. Recently 3 CSG member have elected as Union Parished members. In courtyard meeting, Ward shovas, planning meeting women are participating proactively, which was a challenge for this region. A total of 9 Union Parisheds of Dakshin Surma Upazila have published their action plan in open places by practicing community score card. The project in accordance with community participation implements 9 social audits at field level
 Abu Zahid Chairman , Dakshin Surma Upazila Parishad utters that, SEBA project creates an environment of mutual understanding between people and public representatives. People are now being informed about their rights and SEBA project works in favor of it. Abu Hanifa Talukdar, District facilitator of LGSP-II Sylhet Said that SEBA project is implementing government Target regarding LGSP-II. People become aware about union parishad and service delivery of public representatives is more responsive now.
Mawlana Sulaiman Hussain, Chairman of Jalalpur Union Parishad said, SEBA project assists us to realize that, formulation of local level budget especially for UP is a participatory process and ensuring participation of marginalized people will make them feel the ownership on their own budget.
Abdur Rahim respective Member of Lalabazar Union Parishad said `we receive training and technical support from SEBA project. It helps us to minimize the gap with local community. People are now asking about our services and we are trying to provide quality services according to the community demands’.
Aklakul Ambia batin respective CSG member said, we have mobilized Union Parishad and community through our SEBA project. Now an environment has been created to provide advice and recommendations to Chairman and members to disclose information on development schemes and to engage mass community in any kind of initiatives taken by UP
