Sea Natural Food Ltd, a sister concern of Rangs Group, launches frozen seafood “ROJA.” Joya Ahmed Kabir, Chairperson, Amiran Hossain, Director, Makame Mahmud, Director, T.D. Packir, CEO, Helal U Chowdhury, GM, and Almas Kabir, President of BASIS, were present at the launching programme at Unimart & Meena Bazar in the Capital on Thursday.

Sea Natural Food Ltd, a sister concern of Rangs Group, launches frozen seafood "ROJA." Joya Ahmed Kabir, Chairperson, Amiran Hossain, Director, Makame Mahmud, Director, T.D. Packir, CEO, Helal U Chowdhury, GM, and Almas Kabir, President of BASIS, were
Sea Natural Food Ltd, a sister concern of Rangs Group, launches frozen seafood "ROJA." Joya Ahmed Kabir, Chairperson, Amiran Hossain, Director, Makame Mahmud, Director, T.D. Packir, CEO, Helal U Chowdhury, GM, and Almas Kabir, President of BASIS, were

