Scrutiny committee to enlist genuine FFs formed


The government has formed a fresh scrutiny committee to enlist genuine freedom fighters as all previous committees related to it have been canceled.
“The committee will enlist genuine freedom fighters and scrutinize the applications at upazila, district and city levels,” a press release of the Ministry of Liberation War said on Sunday.
Local lawmakers (if he or she is freedom fighter) will act as president of upazila, district and city level committees or he or she will nominate a freedom fighters’ representative to act as president.
Additional deputy commissioner of respective district will act as member-secretary of district-level committee while upazila nirbahi officer will act as committee member of upazila committee.
The scrutiny will begin from January 21 at different upazilas and it will continue till February 18 on every Saturday by phases. As per the schedule, the scrutiny will be held on January 21 and 28 and February 4, 11 and 18.
