SCRF’s for safe waterway journey during Eid

UNB, Dhaka :
Shipping and Communication Reporters Forum (SCRF) has put forward a series of recommendations for a hassle-free journey on inland waterways during upcoming Eid-ul-Azha vacation.
The suggestions have been prepared after taking different issues such as weather into consideration, said the journalist platform in a press release on Saturday.
The recommendations include increasing mobile court drives and deploying adequate number of law

 enforcers at Shimulia and Paturia ferry terminals, preventing overloading of launches on Shimulia-Kathalbari and Paturia-Daulatdia routes on the Padma River, preventing illegal and unfit vessels from plying, ratcheting up coast guard and river police’s activities, and announcing weather forecast every hour through loudspeakers and TVs and radio channels at launch terminals.
SCRF also urged the district administration and police to stop the operation of illegal and faulty vessels in coastal, haor and hilly areas during the Eid vacation.
SCRF President Ashis Kumar Dey said homebound people would prefer waterways to roads due to traffic congestion and accidents on inter-district roads and highways across the country.
He urged the government to implement the recommendations to avoid accidents on waterways.
