Scraped battery-operated 3-wheelers preparing to return on Barishal city roads despite ban

ULIPUR(Kurigram): Sellers at cattle market in Ulipur Upazila are waiting for buyers on Sunday.
ULIPUR(Kurigram): Sellers at cattle market in Ulipur Upazila are waiting for buyers on Sunday.
Barishal Correspondent :
At least 152 battery-run three-wheelers scrapped by Traffic Department of Barishal Metropolitan Police by order of court, now preparing again to return on city roads of Barishal.
After visiting the Amanatganj area of the city on Thursday it was learnt that at least twenty workshops in different areas of the city now busy in reconditioning the scrapped three wheelers dismantled on August 11.
Law and enforcing agencies seized 152 battery operated 3-wheelers from October 2017 to June 2018after those failed to show any legal document.
According to decision of court the seized vehicles were dumped at the yard of BCC in Amanatganj area at the northern part of the city.
Then the seized 152 vehicles were sold by calling auction after making those scraped by bulldozers in presence of the representative of court, law enforcing agencies, BCC on August 10 and 11.
Those scraped vehicles were sold in auction at the rate of Tk 7 thousand per vehicle, told Taiabur Rahman, a staff of metropolitan magistrate court.
A syndicate run by Jahangir Husain, Bashir Mia, Ovi and Mannan, purchased the vehicles from auction taka 7 thousand per vehicle.
The purchased vehicles was resold to one Barek Mia at the rate of taka 10 thousand per vehicle, said Abdur Rahman, one the workshop owner at Amanatganj area of the city who engaged in reconditioning the vehicles.
He opined that as the battery was removed before scraping, so after repairing, denting and reconditioning the body at the cost of Tk.3-4 thousand per vehicle, those could run again on road by assembling fresh battery.
However, AFM Faizur Rahman, assistant commissioner (traffic) of Barishal Metropolitan Police (BMP) said running battery0operated three-wheelers on city roads were banned by High Court. So reconditioning the scrapped vehicles and operating those on road would also be totally prohibited and police will take action against this kind of illegal activities.