Scottish independence depends on undecided voters


BBC Online :
Both sides in the Scottish referendum campaign have held rallies as they make their final efforts to win over undecided voters.
Independence supporters attended a mass event in the centre of Glasgow, where they were urged to “vote ‘Yes’ for a prosperous Scotland”.
At the same time, pro-UK campaigners gathered nearby to insist the case for independence had not been made.
The latest polls have suggested the result is too close to call.
Polls were released by Opinium for the Daily Telegraph, another by ICM for the Scotsman and a third by Survation for the Daily Mail on Tuesday evening.
With undecided voters excluded, they all suggested a lead for “No” of 52% to 48%.
Speaking at the pro-independence rally, Yes Scotland chairman Dennis Canavan attacked the “back of a fag packet” pledge of further devolution made by the leaders of the three main Westminster parties.
He told supporters: “A vow – it looks like something written on the back of a fag packet at the fag end of a long campaign. But the people of Scotland will not be fooled.
“There is only one guarantee of getting more powers for the Scottish Parliament and that is by voting Yes, so let’s take that message out, let’s take our message out to every street, every city, every town, every village, every community, every workplace, every home in Scotland.”
Meanwhile, Better Together head Alistair Darling urged anyone who had doubts about independence to vote “No”.
Addressing supporters alongside former Prime Minister Gordon Brown at a Love Scotland, Vote No rally, he said: “If you have such a momentous decision to take, you need to have certainty.
“What is very clear at the end of this long campaign, from the nationalist side there is no certainty at all. For anyone in Scotland who has any doubt, be in no doubt – you have to say ‘No’.”
On the final day of campaigning, First Minister Alex Salmond published a letter to the people of Scotland in which he told them they will hold power in their hands as they vote to determine their country’s future.
Salmond asked voters to step back from the political arguments and statistics that have defined the two-year campaign and trust in themselves as they go into the polling booth.
He said: “The talking is nearly done. The campaigns will have had their say. What’s left is just us – the people who live and work here. The only people with a vote. The people who matter.
“The people who for a few precious hours during polling day hold sovereignty, power, authority in their hands. It’s the greatest most empowering moment any of us will ever have. Scotland’s future – our country in our hands.
“What to do? Only each of us knows that. For my part, I ask only this. Make this decision with a clear head and a clear conscience.”
The first minister told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the referendum campaign had been one of the most exhilarating in Western Europe, and said he was “assuming absolutely nothing” about the result.
Watching people queuing to register to vote had been a “humbling” sight, he added, and pledged to honour Clause 30 of the Edinburgh agreement by which both sides agreed to honour the result and work in the best interests of Scotland and the UK regardless of the outcome.
Both campaigns have been out in force in Glasgow this morning as they do what they can to rally support for their respective sides in the final hours before the vote.
First up, it was Yes Scotland who gathered on the steps of the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, beside the statue for Donald Dewar, the architect of devolution (sporting a “Yes” sticker it is unlikely he would have approved of).
Chairman Dennis Canavan described the independence movement as the biggest grassroots campaign Scotland has ever seen, and they wanted that to show: the former Labour MP joined by SNP members, Greens, SSP activists, Women for Independence campaigners and members of Deacon Blue, among others.
Immediately after, a few miles away in Maryhill, it was Better Together’s turn. All the big guns of the campaign were gathered at the community hall – Gordon Brown, Alistair Darling, the leaders of the three main opposition parties at Holyrood.
Any weariness as the campaign reaches it crescendo was well hidden. Brown worked the crowd into a frenzy talking about his vision for social justice in Scotland and the questions he says have been left “unaddressed by the SNP”. Speaker after speaker received standing ovations as they outlined why they were voting “No”.
Both campaigns have fought long and hard. It is nearly decision time.
Referring to Spain’s apparent opposition to automatic Scottish entry to the EU, Salmond said Scotland had 1% of the EU’s population, but 20% of its fish stocks, 25% of its renewable energy and 60% of its oil resources.
He argued that anybody who believed the country would not be welcome in the EU did not understand that Europe “accepts democratic results” and that Scotland “has a huge amount to contribute”.
Darling told the Today programme that he thought there would be a “No” vote but even if there were not he would play his part in doing “the best I possibly can” for Scotland.
“I’m not going. This is my country. I’m staying,” said Darling. But he said that did not mean he would sign up to the “nonsense” in the Scottish government’s White Paper and insisted that “Alex Salmond is not Team Scotland”.
Darling also warned that, whichever way the vote went, there would be hard work healing divisions in Scottish society which had emerged during the campaign.
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He cited some internet comments and Sunday’s demonstration at the BBC in Glasgow, which he said some people found “frightening”.
“We all have to say we live in a democratic country; there are some people who have stepped over the line… but we’ve got to calm things down because we’ve got to live together.”
Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont and leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson had been out campaigning overnight.
Ms Lamont, along with her deputy Anas Sarwar, met print workers on the night-shift at Trinity Mirror Print Works. The politicians promised “better, faster, safer change” with a “No” vote.
