Scottish hammer thrower Mark Dry provisionally suspended on doping charge


Scottish hammer thrower Mark Dry has been provisionally suspended by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) after being charged with “tampering or attempted tampering with any part of doping control”. That rule covers “providing fraudulent information” and Dry’s case is believed to relate to a whereabouts issue. Dry will fight the charge and is taking legal advice. The 31-year-old won bronze at the 2014 and 2018 Commonwealth Games before having hip surgery last summer. UK Athletics say Dry has “the opportunity to respond to the charge including the right to a full hearing” but have not given details of the alleged tampering. “We are aware of the case involving a Scottish athlete,” said Scottish Athletics. “There is a process to be followed and we have to await the outcome of that process [which involves UK Athletics and UK Anti-Doping]. “We have a duty of care for all our athletes and that is very much in our thoughts at this stage, too.”
