Scottish football worse than I expected:Gerrard


Steven Gerrard believes elements of Scottish football are worse than he expected as he celebrates his first season north of the border.
The former Liverpool and England player gave a frank and honest assessment ahead of his side’s home clash on Sunday against Hibs, live on Sky, claiming empty stands, poor camera angles, and kick and rush football are hurting the game.
“At times I’ve been disappointed watching certain games – the stadiums haven’t been full and when it comes to the standard, the ball has been in the air a lot,” confessed Gerrard.
“If I’m honest, it has been a little worse than I thought. So it has been mixed.
“I’m not criticising Scottish football but when stands are empty on TV, it doesn’t look great on the eye – and I wouldn’t have plastic pitches either.
“Our games against Celtic and Aberdeen were so enjoyable because they’ve been fierce, quick, intense.
“That’s the level you want to see. And at times, the standard of individual players has been really top level too.”
Citing games against Celtic, Aberdeen and Hibs as the benchmark, Gerrard feels better overall standards can only be good for everyone, helping sell the Scottish product to potential players.
“It’s a small thing but it comes up in conversation when you are chatting to players,” Gerrard added.
“I want Scottish football to be as good as it can be. I want a Scottish manager in charge of the national team and playing the right way.
“I want to back all of that. I’m employed by a Scottish club, I work with Scottish people, so I want your national team to be the best that it can be.”
