Science Education

Essential To Reshape The Teaching Method


Gazi Md. Abdur Rashid :
Science has got an important role in shaping human society. This is an age where the modern society is completely drawn into the scientific environment and science has become an integral part of our life. A citizen of the modem world sees the countless manifestations of science all around him. The effects of science on human life have become so great and are potentially so much greater than those who have no understanding of progress, security and welfare.
 The present Century is marked by the explosion of scientific knowledge, which has resulted in several educational innovations. Science education should produce informed citizens prepared to deal with science related social issues. A man should possess proper knowledge of science to lead a successful life. It helps in realising the application of scientific knowledge to new situations for the solution of problems in day today life. It helps in exploring their world, and to enjoy and appreciate their surroundings. The aim of science teaching is not the acquisition of information and a few skills but to attain the understanding of the relationship which connects the answer to the problem.
The inclusion of science in the curriculum should satisfy the intellectual, utilitarian, vocational, cultural, moral and aesthetic values. Besides these, the teaching of science imparts training in the ‘scientific method’ and develops scientific attitude, which are very valuable and at the same time are transferable to other situations in life. Science should be taught as a way of thinking and the process skills are best acquired by discovery. So it is very essential to reshape the teaching of science in accordance with the needs and requirements of modern society.
Science is an important issue in the era of science and technology. Science studies help students achieve scientific skills. Increasing creativity and overall, it helps to develop chivalry and moral values. In this age of science and technology, every citizen has to be a scientific literacy to live well. The achievement of scientific literacy is one of the main goals of current education.
The main goal of science education at primary and secondary level is to help the student achieve scientific literacy. It is possible to transform the vast population of Bangladesh into human power by making our overall education activities, especially science oriented, life-oriented and work-oriented according to the needs of the individual and the society. It is undeniable that the need to solve scientific problems and skills in solving our daily lives, improving the quality of life and making the right decisions. The main goal of science education is to create a proficient, creative and productive manpower for the socioeconomic development and progress of the country by making educated and towards the education of the learner through life-oriented and work-oriented.
The purpose of teaching science at our secondary level educational institutions is: 1. Consolidate, strengthen and expand knowledge and skills acquired at the initial level, 2. Understand the nature, range, usage, abuse and constraints of scientific knowledge, 3. Scientific process namely; To appreciate the characteristics and importance of observation, categorisation, measuring, testing, decision making and being interested in acquiring skills in them, 4. Scientific perspectives and values, namely logical thinking, open mindedness, respect for opinions of others, achieving intellectual honesty, 5. Interesting and inquisitive to the environment and natural phenomena, 6. Knowing the basic concepts of science, principles, principles and sources, 7. Being able to apply scientific knowledge and skills to solve daily life problems, 8. Knowledge of science and technology, relationships and requirements in the development of socio-economic development and quality of life, 9. To engage with science education and to protect the quality of life through the preservation of natural resources, 10. Encourage the practice and application of scientific skills and processes, 11. Instead of memorising information, attracting material results and methodology in science, 12. After doing work and testing and conducting investigative activities in the environment and things of the environment, to solve the inquiries and rhetoric.
Hopefully we are watching that the present government has put more importance to science education. The government has taken several effective measures for how science education can be much friendlier and more popular to the students.
Teaching science requires special attention and special training of teachers in teaching methods that invoke reasoning and curiosity as well as to educate students about the modern technology, application of its functional pattern and to make them work-oriented with respect to the content of science education.
Science education is an important component of the education system. It should contribute in the solution of the problems of the country by developing desirable understandings, skills, abilities and attitudes. The greatest challenge is to humanize science i.e., to make it relevant to human needs and aspirations. For developing scientific attitude of mind and to inculcate good personal and social habits such as objective and unbiased love for truth, inquisitiveness, accuracy, precision, correct health habits, habit of enquiry, initiative and logical thinking, proper methods should be adopted for science teaching.

(Gazi Md. Abdur Rashid, Research Officer, District Education Office, Secondary and Higher Education, Munshiganj, Bangladesh)
