Schools, colleges to reopen soon: PM


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday said the government is taking measures to reopen educational institutions across the country soon.
“We’ve been able to control the coronavirus to a large extent. There’s no more problem regarding vaccines…I’ve already directed (the authorities concerned) to reopen schools and colleges soon,” she said. The Prime Minister said this when she joined a discussion over a condolence motion placed in Parliament to condole the death of Awami League’s MP Hasibur Rahman Swapan (Sirajganj-6).
Hasina said teachers have already been vaccinated and now steps are underway to vaccinate other staff of the educational institutions.
“Since there’re some WHO guidelines for school students, we’re taking measures to vaccinate the students following the guidelines,” she said.
So, Hasina said, the government is collecting some Pfizer vaccines and trying to procure Moderna vaccines, too. “Other vaccines are also coming. We’ve already paid for six core vaccine jabs,” the Prime Minister told the House.
The government is also taking steps to vaccinate the family members of health workers along with their domestic-helps and drivers, and even the family members of the domestic -helps and drivers so that the virus cannot be transmitted, she said.
The Prime Minister asked all people to follow the health protocols even after getting vaccinated.
She said it is seen that many people are affected by coronavirus even after being vaccinated though their health conditions do not deteriorate severely. “So, everybody should remain careful.”
She said those who have comorbidities, including diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer and kidney diseases, should be more careful and seriously follow the health protocols as they are at great risk.
The Prime Minister urged all to keep their houses and surroundings clean to prevent the breeding of Aedes mosquitoes that spread the dengue virus.
“People are now suffering from dengue (fever) also. So, I would like to ask everyone to keep their own houses, gardens and surroundings clean so that the water doesn’t remain stagnant anywhere and (Aedes) mosquitoes can’t breed,” she said.
Hasina said the city corporation authorities and the government are taking all necessary measures, but people should remain careful in this regard.
Talking about the death of Swapan, the Prime Minister said, “We’re going through a tough time. We’ve lost many colleagues in this parliament.”
She said Swapan’s death news came early Thursday, hours after this parliament adopted a condolence motion on Wednesday, expressing the profound grief at the death of a seasoned parliamentarian-Prof Ali Ashraf MP from Cumilla-7.
