Schoolboy hacked to death

Staff Reporter :
A schoolboy was hacked to death by his friends in the city’s Pallabi area on Thursday night.
The deceased has been identified as Rihan, 13, aspirant for the Junior School Certificate (JSC) from Rupnagar Model High School this year, police said.
Quoting the deceased’s relatives, Dhaka Medical College and Hospital (DMCH) Police Outpost In-Charge and Sub-Inspector (SI) Mozammel Haque said that Rihan went to the Cadet Madrasa Playground with his friends at Mirpur Section-11 under Pallabi Police Station. All on a sudden, they began to quarrel among themselves over seniority. Some of them in collaboration with local miscreants stabbed Rihan and his friend. Rihan was rushed to the DMCH where the on duty doctors declared him dead around 9:00pm. Injured Hasib, 17 and Siraj were admitted to the same hospital. The body had been handed to the relatives after autopsy, the police said.
Police are investigating the matter and trying to arrest the miscreants, the SI further said. Meanwhile, the body of an unidentified woman was recovered from Khilkhet’s Nikunja area in the city.
Khilkhet Police Station’s Officer-in-Charge (OC) Nazrul Islam said that the body was found lying at a secluded place near Road No. 3 around 1:30am on Thursday night.