School banking creating money management habits among students

Economic Reporter :
Ayrin Sultana, mother of 13-year old Himel, had been having a difficult time managing her boy’s demand for things as he always spent money for buying many unnecessary items like the latest electronic gadgets.
Himel is an intelligent and caring boy. But he doesn’t like discussion about money. Ayrin wondered if she was too late to teach good money habits to her son and what she could do about it.
“I was worried about the habit of my son. So, I discussed the matter with many relatives. At last, a banker of the Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL) suggested me to open a school banking account for my son,” Ayrin said while talking to the correspondent.
As per the suggestion, she opened a school bank account at the IBBL Feni branch at around four years ago. At the initial stage, Himel didn’t show any interest to save money in the bank account. Gradually, interest was created in his mind by seeing his friends and he started to deposit money in his account.
Now he is in class ten, the savings of his account is about Taka 55,000. He has a dream to go abroad for taking higher education and will spend the saving money at that time.
Ayrin is very happy now and thanks to the government for taking such initiative for creating money saving habit among the school going children.