Schedule for JU admission test published


City Desk :
The schedule for admission test of first year honours course under the academic session 2014-2015 of Jahangirnagar University (JU) was published on Tuesday.As per the schedule, admission test for A unit under the Mathematical and Physical Science faculty will be held on September 17 while D unit under the Biological Science faculty will be held on September 18, 2014. The admission test for B and H unit under the Social Science faculty and Institution of Information and Technology (IIT) respectively will be held on September 20 while E and G unit under the Business Studies faculty and Institution of Business Administration (IBA-JU) respectively will be held on September 21.
Besides, the admission test for C unit under the Arts & Humanities faculty will be held on September 22 while F unit under the Law faculty will be held on September 23.
A total of 1,96,324 applicants are going to appear the admission test against only 1943 seats under eight units in this year, JU Deputy Registrar (education) Mohammad Ali confirmed.
