SCC garbage polluting South Surma area

Sylhet Correspondent :
Due to the garbage of Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) people of South Surma face acute problem. Daily many trucks of SCC fell the garbage to Parairchalk. The environment became polluted. Passers by cross the area to use handkerchief.
These garbage meet with the water of local and rotten the fish. Farmer facing many disease. Fertility of land became dwindle. Farmers are compelled to stop crop production. Daily the garbage Bara. It make problem for berating. In winter season long disrupt road communication and accident held.
People of the area urge SCC not to use the area about 12 years. But it has no solution. So the problem is acute. People are very worried. Every year environment day observed. But there is no Permanent solution of patriarchal by environment directorate. People cal meeting for a permanent solution. Even during the meeting of law and order the want a solution. This may turn to an untoward in accident.
Many type of vehicle ply in this road Driver loose the steering and crosstie road It is made accident some time. In the past people arrest 3 trucks of SCC. The mayor kamran free the trucks by promising a solution. A organic fertilizes plant starts 2 years ago to use escalator the bad smell is acute. From last January the plant is inactive. After receiving money the plant will start again. So the environment became very harmful. In rainy season poisonous water affect public health. There are many hills in Sylhet. It the garbage through there it has no adverse effect. People of the are wants its quick solution by SCC.  
HPO run slowly due to lack of modernisation
Post man are yet working post boxes are lying idle. They have no quick service. Postal dept is behind speed due to the absence of technology. Post office suffer shortage of man power. The deft face transport and man power shortage. Present government take various plan to modernize port office. But they are not implemented due to various crisis.
Once post office sell card, envelop, ticket. But at present they are only post history. People write letter fore introducing internet. People write letter by letter writers. But time is changing.
Once People sent letter by bigurn. The letter was sent by envelope. Various type of post card used for it. People communicate with foreign by letter from ancient time. At present its rate is very slow. The bag of post man was full with letter. They distribute it. Those who are unable to read they listen it from learned person. At present mobile phone take this position. All use mobile. None wrist letter. Due to courier service duty of post office is zero Bank give remittance through mobile. So post office is bound to face foss.
In Sylhet there are about 11 sub-office and 11 branch office. No of staff is 100. It is very negligible. They work routine progremme. Post office face unhygienic enviourment. Many services that enlisted in main gat are absent. At present digital service is main. But they are absent in post office but official said they modernize their office. At present local train play a vital role. So people receive their letter within 2 days. But due to man power shortage work delayed. Post office authority said they open letter bon regularly at 11 A.M. Post office take some pilot projects. They establish E-centre in remote areas. hundreds of students receive training.
They receive certificate from postal academy. Post Office give disable pension. A person receive his money through fingers print in a interval of 3 months. Post office porches 118 pick-up van. One of it will operate soon in sylhet.
Mr Nural Haque DPM Sylhet said the salary of postal emplaces are less. They face hardship. Present government take many initiative to run it quickly. Its manpower is short.
M Afaza uddin PO Super said once post office was only media of communicate. It present it face problem due to modern technology. Thy face shortage of staff out of 69 staff of operator only 5 are exist. So they take pick-up van project. Fund crisis is their main problem.