SCBA polls Kh Mahbub, Khokan re-elected


Staff Reporter :The Jatiyatabadi Ainjibi Oikya Panel [JAOP], a BNP-Jamaat backed platform of lawyers, won the majority posts in the Supreme Court Bar Association [SCBA] elections for the 2015-16 term.The JAOP, also known as Blue Panel, bagged nine posts out of 14, including those of President andContd on page-11- Col-1 General Secretary. On the other hand, the Awami League backed Sammilita Ainjibi Samannay Parishad [SASP], also known as White Panel, secured five posts, including that of Vice- President.Advocate Harunur Rashid, Chief of the elections sub-committee, announced the results around 8:00am on Tuesday.BNP Chairperson’s adviser and incumbent SCBA President Khandakar Mahbub Hossain from Blue panel got 1750 votes and was re-elected the President of the SCBA while Yusuf Hossain Humayun from the White panel polled 1587 votes.Former MP and BNP Joint-Secretary General Barrister Mahbub Uddin Khokan from blue panel got 1880 votes and was re-elected the General Secretary of the SCBA while Momtaz Uddin Ahmed Mehedi from white panel captured 1477 votes. ASM Moktar Kabir Khan from Blue panel and Abdul Khair from the White panel got the two Vice-President posts.The elected two Assistant Secretaries are Majedul Islam Patwari Ujjal from the Blue panel and Md Delwar Mostafa Chowdhury from the White panel.On the other hand, Shawkat Ara Begum Dulali from the Blue panel swept the Treasurer post. Four blue panel constants and three white panel constants secured their win in Executive Member posts. The vote of the SCBA polls was held on Sunday and Monday. A total of 3,529 lawyers out of 4,362 exercised their franchise in the polls. The voters turn out was 82 percent.It is worth to be mentioned here that the pro-BNP-Jamaat panel swept the last two elections also, bagging 13 posts out of 14.Harun-or-Rashid, Convener of the 7-member election sub-committee, told reporters on Tuesday that about 31 candidates from two panels contested the two-day annual election.
