SCB awarded agri promoters

Business Desk :
Standard Chartered Bangladesh (SCB) honoured four individuals, four institutions and two groups of farmers that have made outstanding contributions to the agriculture sector.
Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury handed over the awards held at a city hotel on Sunday, says a press release.
Lal Teer Seed Ltd, the largest seed company in the private sector, won the award in the Best Associated Organisation in Innovation and Research category.
The company engaged in developing, producing, processing and marketing high-yielding good quality seeds. At present, it markets 131 varieties of 33 vegetable crops.
Brac, the world’s largest non-governmental organisation, was given the award in the Best Associated Organisation in Support and Execution category.
Amar Desh Amar Gram, a virtual marketplace that provides better economic opportunities for the farm community, got the award in the Best Use of Technology in Agriculture category.
Through the e-shop, the villagers list their produce for city buyers to place orders. In less than two days the buyers receive the product, which they would otherwise buy at a higher price from the city markets.
Seamark Group, one of the largest seafood processors, was awarded the Best Agricultural Exporter.
A group of farmers from Satkhira were awarded in the Farmer of the Year (Subsistence Market Farmer Group category) for their combined efforts to overcome difficulties and lift themselves out of poverty through cultivation.
The winner in each category received a crest and a certificate. The three winners in the Farmer of the Year category received Tk 5 lakh each, while those with the honourable mentions got Tk 50,000 each.
Speaking at the ceremony, Matia Chowdhury said the AGROW Award has lived up to its promise to recognise individuals and organisations. The winners have played exemplary roles in agriculture through hard work and innovation.
“We expect the AGROW Award and this year’s winners and nominees to continue their commitment and inspire the millions of farmers across the country to take the sector to the next level,” Matia said.
Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman said, he hopes the award will inspire the grassroots farmers, dairy, crops and livestock distributors and marketers and support research and logistics industries to enhance their commitment towards further development of the sector.
“I hope through this humble initiative we will be able to motivate thousands of farmers around the country to come up with exemplary contributions and help build a sustainable agriculture sector,” said Abrar A Anwar, chief executive of Standard Chartered Bangladesh that introduced the award last year.