Scarcity of Hilsa fish

Excessive thunderstorm, water pollution responsible: 5 lakh fishermen leading life of starvation

Syed Shemul Parvez :
Even after two months of ban on fishing, the Hilsa rich Padma-Meghna and other rivers can not meet the demand for hilsa fish, according to fisheries officials, fish traders and fishermen.
Experts say, excessive thunderstorms, low lightning, decreasing flow of water in the river, noise pollution, water pollution, and river filling are some of the reasons that cause the crisis of food creation for Hilsa fish.
On the other hand, they observed, the breeding and migration environment is also going down day by day. And that is why the Hilsa is becoming scarce throughout the full season.
Around five lakh fisherman of the country arenow reportedly leading a life of almost starvation.
In the absence of sweet water Hilsa fish here, this spice of fish is being imported from Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand and they are being sold at high prices.
Senior Fisheries Officer Sunil Ghosh has told the media, Hilsa fish likes to swim against the current. It gets huge excitement due to heavy current. During storm and heavy rains, the water in the river becomes muddy and thus create food for Hilsa fish.
He said sound pollution created by the engine driven boats, ships, trawlers, and water contaminated by fuel oil and dirty garbage are
inconvenient for Hilsa fish. Besides, the river is also getting filled with silt. Due to this, the flow of the river weakens. Hilsa fish can not swim naturally but goes against current. In the absence of strong current and heavy rains, the process of food creation halts and create food crisis for Hilsa fish.
M. Niyamul Naser, Professor of Dhaka University, told the media, Hilsa is one of the best natural resources of Bangladesh. All the relevant departments of the government should work sincerely to create convenient environment for the production of hilsa fish. Otherwise, this resource will be lost. Hilsa reproduction centers have to be properly maintained.
A research conducted by Bangladesh Marine Fisheries Capacity Building Project found that currently the accumulation level of the hilsa is 0.62, which is of excess accumulation.
This is being held in two ways – catching of mother Ilish and Jatka Ilish. Hilsa production will be one lakh tonne more if the fish is allowed to increase up to 20 inches.
Dr. M Niyamul Naser said, the state will have to be very supportive in preserving Hilsa fish. Cod fish in the Atlantic Ocean in Canada is now completely absent. Considering our next generations, it is important to be careful about preserving traditional Hilsa fish in the country.
Abdul Matlab, Chairman of Kalapara Upazila of Patuakhali district told the media, an urgently initiative is needed to protect the” undermanik river which is famous as the breeding center of silver Hilsa. A few years ago, Hilsa was seen flocking in the breeding center around 45 kilometers.
He said the river has become filled by sediments besides, the river pollution is going on following digging of the river. It must be protected for the betterment of Hilsa fish.
Anisur Rahman ,Chief Scientific Officer of Chandpur Fisheries Research Institute, told the media, “There is no enough flow of water in the river for the increase of Hilsa. The flow of water lost its sharpness and the depth of the river decreased due to the diversion.
Pollution of the Buriganga and Shitalakshya rivers come to the Meghna and the food creation of Hilsa is being affected. The Hilsa will not come to the Padma and the Meghna if the food cration is hampered, he added.