SC upholds HC stay in Tusthi torture case

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The Supreme Court has upheld a previous High Court order, which stayed proceedings of a case filed against army major Nazir Uddin for allegedly torturing his wife for dowry.
Monday’s order by a four-member appeals bench led by Chief Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha stays the transfer of the case to a military court for the time being, said a
lawyer of the father of Nazir Uddin’s wife Nusrat Jahan Tusthi, a Dhaka University student.
On Aug 12, the High Court stayed the case after initial hearing of petition filed by Tushti’s father Md Nurul Islam Bhuiyan, a retired official of Krishi Bank. The court had over-ruled the letter sent by Army headquarters to the tribunal, asking for the case documents for the trial in a military court.
The Army headquarters had written to Tangail’s Women and Children Repression Prevention Tribunal, which was trying the case filed by Tushti’s family, asking for the case documents to try the army officer in a military court.
The State moved the Supreme Court’s chamber judge to stay the High Court order, which was then forwarded to a regular appeals bench for hearing. On Aug 24, the Appellate Division heard the matter and extended the effect of the HC order for another four weeks. It also told the State to file a leave-to-appeal petition, which was rejected by the apex court on Monday.