SC, Unicef sign MoU to strengthen child protection

Staff Reporter :
To strengthen the Child Protection System in Bangladesh and for effective implementation of the Children Act 2013, UNICEF on Tuesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Supreme Court Special Committee on child rights.
The initiative reinforces justice for children and establishes a monitoring mechanism of services for
children in conflict and in contact with the law by the Supreme Court, a UNICEF Press release said yesterday.
It added: The committee, aims to advice, monitor and guide government and non-government stakeholders to realise the rights of children.
The agreement between the SC Committee and UNICEF includes three key thematic areas like monitoring implementation of the Children Act 2013, particularly strengthening access to justice for children; developing an information management system; and strengthening alternative care facilities, monitoring and follow up.
The initiative is based on the concluding recommendation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) committee. Keeping the best interest of children at the centre, it aims to ensure that all legislative, administrative, judicial proceedings and decisions, policies, programmes and projects as well as criteria for relevant persons in authority are developed.
A structured monitoring and reporting mechanism will be developed on a pilot basis to identify challenges and gaps; to address and respond to these issues; and to better understand how far duty bearers apply the Children Act.
The signing ceremony was attended by Chief Justice Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha as the chief guest along with Justice Muhammad Imman Ali, Judge of the Appellate Division and Chairman Supreme Court Special Committee for Child Rights; Justice Sheikh Hassan Arif, Judge, High Court Division and Member of Supreme Court Special Committee for Child Rights, Syed Aminul Islam, Registrar General, Supreme Court of Bangladesh; and Edouard Beigbeder, UNICEF Bangladesh Representative.