SC resumes anticipatory bail hearing 1300 petitions filed on first day


Staff Reporter :
The High Court division of the Supreme Court resumed the anticipatory bail hearing on Sunday after a long gap following the Coronavirus infections. About 1,300 anticipatory bail applications were filed in a single day on Sunday in the concerned branch of the High Court, sources said.
Md Harun-Or-Rashid, Assistant Registrar (Civil) of the High Court division yesterday said, “Today, about 1300 anticipatory bail applications have been submitted in one day. These bail applications will be heard in the scheduled High Court benches as per the cause-list.”
The physical appearance of an accused is mandatory in case of anticipatory bail hearing which was not possible in lockdown period or in virtual courts.
But how the HC Benches will hold the hearing when asked Barrister Ruhul Quddus Kazal, Secretary of the Supreme Court Bar Association replied, “We have brought the issue to the attention of High Court Bench of Justice Jahangir Hossain and Justice Md Atoar Rahman. The petitioner has to attach a photocopy of the FIR of the case and a photocopy of the national identity card with the anticipatory bail application, said the court.”
In addition, the applicant has to submit his original national identity card to the court the day before the hearing and he will get it back after the hearing, said also Barrister Kazal quoting the court.
“The petitioner will be able to present himself in court while sitting in the lawyer’s chamber during the virtual hearing on the anticipatory bail application. In addition, at least five people can apply for bail together through an anticipatory bail application to reduce the crowd and an Assistant Attorney General will be assigned to the relevant court on the day of the hearing,” Barrister Kazal also said quoting the court.
The High Court Benches having criminal motion jurisdiction can hold hearing on the anticipatory bail petitions since August 22 this year maintaining the health guidelines and taking necessary protective measures, said a notification issued on August 17 this year by Md Ali Akbar, Registrar General of the Supreme Court.
The concerned High Court Benches will fix the date of hearing on the anticipatory bail petitions, also read the notification.
In the backdrop of new surge of the Coronavirus, the Supreme Court through a circular issued on April 5 this year stopped the hearing on the anticipatory bail petitions.
The physical appearance of an accused is mandatory in case of anticipatory bail hearing which was not possible in lockdown period or in virtual courts. But, the Supreme Court lawyers appealed to the chief justice different times to start the hearing on the anticipatory bail petitions as it relates the rights of the justice-seeking people.
