Drive against irregularities in apex court: SC admin releases 43 persons after warnings


Staff Reporter :
The Supreme Court administration released 43 people after issuing warnings to them on Sunday afternoon after a drive against irregularities.
Earlier, the employees were detained for an hour in a drive against corruption and irregularities.
Meanwhile, in another incident, Murshedul Hasan, a bench officer of the High Court Division of the Supreme Court, has been dismissed from his post as per service rules, since the allegations brought in a departmental case were proved against him, said a statement of the SC.
The drive was conducted by an administrative team headed by Justice Muhammad Imman Ali, a Senior Judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court, as the Appellate division decided to clamp down on corruption and irregularities in a meeting on August 8.
The Appellate division took the decision in response to a complaint from the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA).
Supreme Court Bar Association Secretary Barrister Ruhul Quddus Kazal said, “Corruption and irregularities have plagued the activities of the Supreme Court for a long time, so we filed the complaint with the Appellate Division meeting on August 8.”
According to the SC administration, the 43 detained employees were found neglecting their duties and assigned work.
Following the detentions, some employees attempted to protest the drive until Barrister Ruhul Quddus Kazal stopped the situation from escalating. After the mediation of the Bar Association, the detained employees were warned not to carry out any more misconduct and released.
Advocate Mohammad Mashiur Rahman, a member of the SCBA, said, “Lawyers have raising their voice against the long running corruption and irregularities at Supreme Court. Recently, we filed a complaint on the corruption and irregularities with the Chief Justice. Following the complaint, the administration conducted the drive and found misconduct of 43 people.”
