SBAC donates Tk 5 lakh to Khulna Press Club

Khulna (South) Correspondent :
South Bangla Agriculture & Commerce (SBAC) Bank Ltd has donated Tk 5 lakh to Khulna Press Club for the development of the Club on Sunday noon.
The cheque distribution ceremony was held at the Members Lounge of Khulna Press Club on August 6.
The cheque was handed over in presence of Talukdar Abdul Khaleque, MP of Bagerhat-3 constituency who is the former Mayor of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) and the present President of Khulna City Unit Awami League.
SM Amzad Hossain, Chairman of the bank who is also a notable industrialist handed over the cheque to President of Khulna Press Club SM Habib (Khulna Correspondent of ATN Bangla ) and General Secretary of the club Subir Roy (Khulna Correspondent of ).
Mokbul Hossain Mintu, former President of Khulna Press Club, Md. Saheb Ali, former general secretary, Mohammad Ali, editor of a local daily Purbanchal, Anwarul Islam Kajol, assistant secretary, executive member Md. Anisuzzaman, Press Club members Mohammad Abu Tayab, Md. Hedayet Hossain Molla,Md. Abu Sayeed, User members Md Azizul Islam. Sohag Dewan and Sheikh Liakot Hossain, among others were also present in the function.
It is mentionable in this connection that SBAC bank authorities also gave contribution to Khulna Press Club in the last year.