Save the haor people, repair the embankments


FLASH flood caused by heavy rain on the influence of cyclone Fani strikes the haor areas in the northeastern part of the country. Thousands of hectares of cropland went under water as the weaken cyclone crossed Bangladesh on Saturday affecting 8,500km protection embankment with high wind and tidal surges. Standing boro crops went under water after protection embankments were breached by rapidly rising rivers in five upazilas of Sylhet, Sunamganj and Netrakona districts. The government is not seen ready to adopt the aftershock of the storm.
The Department of Agricultural Extension said that the cyclone-affected 63,663 hectares cropland, including 55,609 hectares of boro field, in 21 districts. Major rivers in the north-eastern districts are continued to rise. Embankments at south-western districts are not much strong either as a slightly higher than usual tidal surge can break them. In Sunamganj, about 20,000 hectares of croplands in Shanir Haor and Halir Haor went under water. The flood forecasting centre said that rivers in the haor region, including Kangsha, Jadukata, Sarigowain and Someshwari, rose up to over three metres in 24 hours. The flash flood came after farmers in the affected areas harvested about 80 per cent of their boro crops.
In badly affected coastal districts, cyclone victims spent Sunday clearing debris or finding shelter as the government promised help to get them back to normal life as soon as possible. In less affected areas, people took a sigh of relief in a sun shining day as communication resumed on inland waterways after nearly three days and power supply was largely restored. The Disaster Management and Relief Ministry said that the government distributed 3,800 tonnes of rice, Tk 1.97 crore in cash and 41,000 dry food packets in 20 districts.
Primary estimation showed that the cyclone damaged 2,243 houses completely and 11,172 houses partially. To normalise life in cyclone-affected areas, the government should provide all types of reliefs, while all the embankments should be repaired immediately.
