Save Rohingyas, they have not come to Bangladesh to die

Diplomatic Correspondent :
The exodus of Rohingya refugees sees no end as the Myanmar army is running its ethnic cleansing operation to free the Rakhine State to create an all holy and pure Buddhist State. As per media reports, Myanmar army is now calling on the remaining Rohingyas in the middle and northern part of the state using loud speakers to flee before torching their villages and brutalizing them by shooting, beheading and raping their women. A total reign of terror is ejecting the people from their land to become homeless. Alone on October 15 over 20,000 Rohingyas entered Bangladesh crossing the Naf River.
As per aid agency reports at least 30,000 women out of over 600,000 refugees arrived in Bangladesh since August 25 are pregnant being raped by Myanmar military personnel. The situation is totally terrible and devastating beyond the ability of the Bangladesh government to stop the exodus and give home to so many people in our overcrowded country as their total number now stand over one million.
It is time the leadership must come from the international community to stop the atrocities and force Myanmar government to take back the refugees. This is the only solution to end the big human catastrophe engulfing the poor Rohingyas as they are fleeing the country to save life.
Bangladesh government alone is incapable to face the challenge, the response of the international community is the only hope for forcing Myanmar’s military for saving Rohingyas and helping them to find a statehood. The UN Security Council met at least three times in last two months to hold hearing on the crisis but failed to take effective step to stop the butchering.
During the latest hearing of the Security Council last week, former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan briefed the Council Members on the terrible situation as head of an international community to investigate the situation urging Myanmar government to take back its nationals. But no big power is so far stepping into make meaningful intervention in the situation.
The visiting Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Zahid Hamid has expressed unequivocal supports to work with the international community to resolve the problem. He is right when he said only a strong role by the ASEAN block leaders can bring the required pressure on Myanmar to end the atrocities and take back Rohingyas to their home.
Meanwhile the decision by Foreign Ministers of the 28-nation European Union decided to stop inviting senior Myanmar military leaders to member states. They have also decided to review all sorts of cooperation with Myanmar military as they have already stopped selling military hardware which can be used for repression on Rohingya people.
But many believe the West should impose economic sanction on Myanmar to put more pressure if it does not pay heed to the call of the international community. The country is already feeling the pinch on its economy as a Myanmar daily reported because of the Rohingya crisis.
The call by Amnesty International Chief on the EU foreign minister in the wake of their meeting also makes sense when she said all must work together to stop the crimes on the Rohinga people. This human crisis must end and the EU must ensure fair treatment and justice and if need EU must impose more restriction on sales of military hardware to Myanmar.
Rohingya crisis has become a major agenda for discussion in the Inter-parliamentary conference now in progress in St Petersburg in Russia. Meanwhile, the Chief of International Organization on Migration now visiting the Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar has also called on the international community to stand by the side of the Rohjingya people now facing extermination.
We have to accept that Rohingyas have come to Bangladesh not to die and suffer but to save their lives for going back to their homeland. Active leadership must be coming from the world powers. Bangladesh is helpless.
