Save our youths from the trafficking rackets


The high unemployment rate pitted against skyrocketing inflation is the main reason behind the migration of youths by the traffickers to Libya en route European countries. The transnational trafficking rackets push the fortune seekers to fulfill their dreams to migrate to Europe through risky ways as the country failed to bring true economic advancement of the mass people by generating enough employment opportunities. The traffickers lure workers from the remote corners of Bangladesh as well those working in Arab or African countries by offering non-existing jobs in European countries. The government feels no responsibility to protect the ordinary people from the traps of the rackets as in most places the local ruling party men are perhaps involved with the illicit business.
The trafficking rackets use the air routes, Dhaka to Benghazi via Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Alexandria. From Libya, the victims are sent to European destinations by ships and ordinary boats. On Wednesday, at least 157 Bangladeshi workers who were detained in Libya were repatriated to Bangladesh by the International Organization for Migration. The victims said brokers took Tk 7-10 lakh with the promise to send them to Spain via Libya. But many victims ended in reduced health and physical ability due to starvation, malnutrition, and torture by the traffickers.
Organized traffickers are active in remote corners of Bangladesh to allure villagers with non-existent jobs in Europe. A recent study shows that 81 per cent of Bangladeshi workers in Italy are victims of trafficking from war-torn Libya where they became jobless. Over 79.3 per cent of Bangladeshi migrants were put on ordinary boats by the cruel traffickers to cross the rough sea to reach Italy. Most of the victims were from Madaripur, Shariatpur, Comilla and Noakhali — once advanced districts of the country.
Definitely, lack of awareness is making countless people victims of trafficking rackets. It should be clearly publicly broadcast that war-torn Libya, Syria and Iraq have no jobs to offer. The government should launch a crackdown on travel agencies and the trafficking rackets which are cheating the people.
