Save Karnaphuli for sake of public health : Experts

Chattogram Bureau :
Karnaphuli River is the most important river in the Chattogram region, the second largest city of Bangladesh.
Many industries and slaughterhouses are located in the city, and most of the effluents from these industries enter directly or indirectly into the Karnaphuli, often without any pretreatment.
 Sewage containing large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds discharged into aquatic environment is a major concern of pollutions in Karnaphuli. .
Presence of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds containing nutrients in river water may have adverse physiological effects on humans and may interfere with growth and reproduction of aquatic organisms.
Sewage polluted water is also a significant source of epidemic threat due to the presence of disease-causing bacteria.
In developing countries like Bangladesh, many latrines are connected directly to the river and the Karnaphuli is not an exception. Consequently, fecal contamination is a frequent occurrence in this river.
Therefore, pollution of the Karnaphuli is a major concern for public health and environment. Pollution of water bodies is a major threat to public health worldwide.
Many poor and vulnerable populations live in the surrounding areas and many of them use the river water without any treatment for subsistence, the water poses significant health risks for these people.