Save common people from bearing some extra burden

CONSUMERS Association of Bangladesh or CAB earlier had claimed that cost of living in the country increased by 6.5 percent due to price hike of essentials like onion and rice last year. Of the commodities, onion price rose highest in September of 2019 at Tk 250 per kg. Beside, the prices of rice, flour, egg, ginger, garlic, cardamom, coriander, vegetables, edible oil, clothes and also utility services were increased. People had to spend 6.08 percent more for buying the commodities. And the trend is still going on. Even after that government has taken initiatives to raise prices of gas and power, which will directly affect all sectors.
Meanwhile, government’s failure to control the onion price had set a bad precedence which inspired other businesses to increase prices. The prices of local chicken, beef and mutton increased. Other protein items including egg, fish, shrimp, powder milk and cow milk became dearer last year while prices of several life saving medicines were increased. That means prices of almost all essentials were hiked as there was no effective control of the government on the market. If there was a meeting between Commerce Minister and traders, the prices of essentials shot up next day. It was widely believed that ruling party-backed hoarders’ syndicate were mainly responsible for creating abnormal situation in the market. In many cases, government’s directives were also not carried out properly. Even so, no serious action was taken against them apart from fining a little amount of taka to some small traders.
Now country’s people are facing an abnormal situation with the pandemic of deadly coronavirus. Taking this opportunity, a section of traders has increased prices of different essentials, including rice. The dishonest traders didn’t take it under consideration that most of the common people are not able to come out of their houses due to self-quarantine and for that reason their regular earnings have been interrupted very much. If immediate strict measures are not taken by the authorities concerned, these ordinary people have to bear much extra burden at this helpless situation.