Saudi Armed Forces Chief calls on Army Chief


Chief of General Staff of Saudi Armed Forces General Abdul Rahman Bin Saleh Al-Banyan on Monday paid a courtesy call on Bangladesh Chief of Army Staff General Abu Belal Muhammad Shafiul Huq at Army Headquarters in city’s Cantonment area.
During the visit, they discussed the bilateral relations, prospects of cooperation between the two countries, said a press release issued by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).
Matters related to regional security and bilateral defence, including training exchanges, were also discussed at the meeting. Earlier, the Saudi Armed Forces Chief was given guard of honour at Senakunja by a smartly turned-out army contingent and Al-Banyan planted a sapling there, the release added.
As recognition of friendship of the two countries, Bangladesh Army Chief gave him a ‘Bangladesh Army Friendship Medal’ on Sunday at a programme. A 12-membar team led by General Abdul Rahman Bin Saleh Al-Banyan arrived in city on August 6 on a three day official visit.
