Sanders calls Trump ‘fraud,’ hypocrite

International Business Times :
Sen. Bernie Sander, I-Vt., Sunday described President Donald Trump as a “fraud” and a hypocrite for appealing to the little guy and then packing his Cabinet with billionaires, moving to undo some banking regulations and appointing advisers inclined to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Sanders told CNN’s “State of the Union” he doesn’t “mean to be disrespectful [but] this guy is a fraud.”
“This guy ran for president of the United States saying ‘I, Donald Trump, I’m going to take on Wall Street. These guys are getting away with murder.’ Then suddenly he appoints all these billionaires,” said Sanders, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination. He singled out the appointment Treasury Secretary-designate Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive who also ran a mortgage bank that foreclosed on tens of thousands of borrowers during the financial crisis.
Trump signed an executive order Friday, ordering a review of U.S. financial regulatory laws and regulations, and said he expects to cut “a lot out of Dodd-Frank,” the post-recession legislation designed to prevent the excesses that triggered the downturn.