Influential gangs active: Sand lifting from Bhairab River triggers erosion


Khulna (South) Correspondent :
Due to rampant sand lifting from the river Bhairab at Daulatpur area in Khulna city has intensified erosion alarmingly.
Despite the stern action by the district administration against the illegal sand lifting, some influential gangs are continuing to lift sand from the river Bhairab and its adjoining areas.
Trader Nazrul Islam told this correspondent that he has lost his business institution due to erosion caused by illegal sand lifting from the river Bhairab.
“I strongly protested against illegal sand lifting from the river but the saqnd lifters didn’t listen to me as they are local musclemen”, he added.
Ashfaq Bhuyan, another trader said, “We are always in fear of river erosion as the illegal sand lifters are continuing sand lifting without any hesitation.”
Syed Abdul Jalil, a businessman said, “We are passing sleepless days and nights as the river erosion might cause at any moment owing to illegal sand lifting from the river Bhairab.”
“We don’t dare to protest against the illegal sand lifting in fear of physical and mental harassment”, he added.
On condition of anonymity, an official of Water Development Board (WDB) said that they know about the matter, but can not do anything as the sand lifters are allegedly involved with the ruling party.
An high official of WDB said that the district administration would conduct drives against illegal sand lifters within short time.
A reliable source of district administration said, the administration is going to file caes against the illegal sand lifters as early as possible..
