Sand businessman slaughtered in city

Staff Reporter :
A sand businessman was slaughtered to death by some unknown assailants in the city’s Akota Housing, Mohammadpur on Saturday night.
The victim was identified as Shiru Mia, 45. He lived in Shekhertek, Adabar, with his wife and two sons.
After the incident, he was taken to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College and Hospital (SSMCH) in a critical condition where the on-duty doctors declared him dead.
Mrityunjay Dey Sajal, Additional Deputy
Commissioner of Police of Mohammadpur Zone, confirmed the news to the media and said the real cause of the murder could not be known yet.
“We are trying to arrest the murders. Necessary steps will be taken after fair investigation, said the Police Officials.
Shiru’s son Mamun said, “My father reached home on Saturday evening from Gazipur. Then he went to the Dhaka Uddyan area after getting an unknown man’s phone call. Later someone called us and said some unknown people had stabbed him.
“We rushed to the spot and saw that my father’s body was on the road, but we do not know who killed him.”
Shiru was also involved with the ruling party politics and was a local contractor. Recently he was in a conflict over construction work or sand business with some others, said Rashida Khatun, his sister.
Dulal Hossain, Inspector (operation) of Mohammadpur Police Station said that Shiru Mia might have been killed for the business deal. It is also being investigated whether he had involvement in the drug trade.
The Forensic Department of the CID has collected evidence to find out the cause of the murder. Besides, CCTV camera footage has also been collected.
The body was sent to (SSMCH) morgue for autopsy.
“We are trying to arrest the killer,” Dulal said.