Samsung woes deepen over Galaxy Note 7

AFP, Seoul :
Samsung Electronics took another hit Monday over its recalled Galaxy Note 7 smartphone, reportedly suspending production after distributors stopped offering replacements because of continued safety concerns.
Samsung, the world’s largest smartphone maker, declined to comment on a report by South Korea’s Yonhap news agency that the company had temporarily halted its Note 7 production lines.
The report was sourced to an unidentified official with a Samsung supplier who said the decision had been taken in cooperation with consumer safety regulators from South Korea, the United States and China.
Samsung decided on September 2 to issue a global recall of 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7s in 10 markets after complaints that its lithium-ion battery exploded while charging.
With images of charred phones flooding social media, the unprecedented recall was a humiliation for a firm that prides itself as an icon of innovation and quality.
The recall process initially stumbled with some mixed messages, but seemed to be on track until last week when reports emerged that some replacement phones were also catching fire.
On Sunday, US telecommunications firm AT&T and German rival T-Mobile said they would halt exchanges of recalled Samsung Galaxy Note 7s pending further investigations.