Samsung, BlackBerry speed arrivals of new smartphones


AFP, Seoul :
South Korea’s Samsung WEdnesday moved up the release date for it hotly anticipated Galaxy Note 4 big-screen smartphone, hitting the key Chinese market ahead of arch-rival Apple.
Samsung’s head start in the sizzling “phablet” race came as Apple stumbled, abruptly pulling back an update for the iOS software powering the iPhone after users complained of bugs, including one that disabled cellular service.
In a statement to the news website TechCrunch, Apple said: “We have received reports of an issue with the iOS 8.0.1 update. We are actively investigating these reports and will provide information as quickly as we can. In the meantime we have pulled back the iOS 8.0.1 update.”
The apparently botched update came after a rash of complaints posted on social media about new-model, large-screen iPhones bending when stuffed in pockets of snug pants. Some users posted videos showing the handsets warping under pressure.
Samsung is credited with starting the “phablet” craze with the first Note that meshed tablet and smartphone features, particularly enhanced screen size.
Apple capitalized on the trend with the September 19 release of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in a handful of markets, not including China.
Samsung announced that the Note 4 smartphone will be launched in South Korea and China this week, ahead of the planned worldwide debut on October 17.
