Salvaging work of sunken ship in Pashur Channel starts after 4 months

Bagerhat Correspondent :
After a long waiting of 4 months , the salvaging work of the cargo ship MV. Zia Raj that sank in the Pashur channel of Mongla Port near at Sundarban forest started on Wednesday.
Mongla Prot Authority took the initiative to salvage the ship on the basis of ‘no loss and no profit’ through auction. A private farm named M/S. Dhaleswari Salvage Corporation started to salvage the ship from the bottom of the Pashur channel.
But due to the strong current of the channel and silting of huge quantities of sands and trunks of the trees of Sundarban forest the salvaging work is being hampered to some extent, it is disclosed by the members of the salvaging team. Tamiz Uddin Sarkar, proprietor of the salvaging farm told the newsmen, it will take about one moth for the salvation of the sunken ship due to the reasons mentioned earlier. It is now staying at the bottom of the channel under 25 feet deep water.
It is reported that the cargo ship MV. Zia Raj laden with about 510 tones of imported coals sank in the Pashur channel near at Joymonirghol in the Eastern Division of Sundarban forest on October 27 at night, 2015.
 After one week of the incident steps were taken by the concerned authorities to recover the coals from the sunken ship. But after that no step was taken by the owner of the ship to salvage it. Port authorities and Sundarban forest department requested the owner of ship on several occasions to salvage the same for the safety of the port and Sundarban forest, but in vain.
Finding no other alternative the Port authorities took the initiative to salvage it with a view to making the channel free from danger. Some 20 divers and workers are engaged in the salvaging programme.
Rear-Admiral Riaz Uddin Ahmed, BN, Chairman , Mongla Port disclosed to the newsmen, private farm M/S, Dhaleswari Salvage Corporation was given the work order to salvage the sunken ship from the Pashur Channel.