Scottish independence: Salmond, Cameron to hit campaign trail


BBC Online :
First Minister Alex Salmond and Prime Minister David Cameron are due to hit the Scottish campaign trail ahead of Thursday’s independence vote.
Mr Salmond is to join business leaders to argue that a “Yes” vote would help to grow Scotland’s economy.
Mr Cameron will be in Scotland to give a speech arguing there are strong “head and heart” reasons to vote “No”.
Meanwhile, footballer David Beckham has backed the “No” campaign, urging a vote to renew the UK’s “historic bond”.
The ex-England captain urged voters in Scotland not to ditch a union that was the “envy of the entire world”.
“What unites us is much greater than what divides us. Let’s stay together,” he said in an open letter released by the Better Together campaign.
But English designer Vivienne Westwood has declared her support for Scottish independence.
Speaking during her Red label 2015 show at London Fashion Week, Ms Westwood said she was “very unpatriotic about England because it is being completely ruined”.
It comes as the Queen on Sunday said she hoped “people will think very carefully about the future” ahead of the referendum.
With three full days of campaigning left before the vote, politicians on both sides of the debate are set to renew efforts to win over undecided voters.
Scottish Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will argue that pensioners should vote for independence to ensure their grandchildren have the opportunities she says were denied to previous generations by years of Conservative governments.
She will say Scottish pensions are legally guaranteed and protected in the event of independence, and that future generations deserved to benefit from Scotland’s wealth.
