Salman for using PKI

Economic Reporter :
Prime Minister’s Private Industry and Investment Adviser Salman Fazlur Rahman on Sunday urged all to use the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for creating a complete digital ecosystem in the country.
“While Bangladesh’s success is significant as far as digital transformation is concerned, the use of PKI in the public and the private sector remains to be the ‘missing link’ in accomplishing the kind of result the government wants, he said.
The private industry and investment adviser to prime minister said this while speaking at a symposium titled “Digital Transformation: Role of PKI” organized on Saturday by Bangladesh PKI Forum at the Radisson Blu hotel in the city.
The PKI refers to the foundation that enables the use of digital signatures and encryption across large user populations, delivering the elements required for a secure and trusted business environment for e-commerce and Internet of Things.
Salman said “If this link can be put into place, all the work that we have already done will become hold, and only then I think the achievement that we have in mind will be achieved.”
He said that the PKI is extremely relevant to the idea of ‘Digital Bangladesh’ that the current government has promoted since its ascent to power in 2008.
“The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has recently said that Bangladesh is the fastest growing economy in the entire Asian region, and will remain so for the next two years. And why this is more relevant to the discussion about PKI is that one of the key components of this growth strategy which the Prime Minister put into place has been Digital Bangladesh, which is being implemented under the leadership and guidance of ICT Adviser to Prime Minister Sajeeb Wazed Joy” he said.
Referring to a Thai delegate who earlier described how the government in Thailand took initiatives to spread the internet in the rural region, he said “Similar to Thailand’s case, Bangladesh has also taken initiatives to digitalize villages.
We have now the fiber optic backbone which is connecting all our villages at the union level. In cities, even the last mile is now digital.” “We have submarine cable connectivity for high-speed internet. Our own satellite-Bangabandhu 1-is now operational and we are on the process of sending the next one, Bangabandhu 2, in a couple of years,” he added.
While Bangladesh has built the necessary digital infrastructure and enacted regulatory frameworks to enable the use of PKI, he argued, the use of PKI has to be intensified to create a complete digital ecosystem in the country.