Salinity-tolerant rice sees bumper yield in Gopalganj

UNB Gopalganj :
Farmers in the district have achieved a bumper production of Bina-10 rice, a salinity-tolerant variety of rice invented by Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture (Bina).
They have harvested some 10.10 tonnes of rice from each hectare of land cultivating the salinity-tolerant rice.
Agronomists at Bina, Gopalganj sub-centre, came up with the information after harvesting Bina-10 variety paddy from the land of Tuku Sheikh, a farmer of Ramadia village in Kashiani upazila.
They said as salinity intrusion affects Boro crop production during the Bangla month of ‘Chaitra’, Bangladesh Change Trust Fund, Gopalganj, took the project to produce salinity-tolerant rice to save farmers from losses.
Tuku Sheikh said, “I had planted the saplings of the new variety rice after receiving free training from the Bina sub-center and managed to harvest 1 maund of paddy from each decimal of my land.”
He went on saying, “Many farmers in the village are showing interest to cultivate the paddy as it is high yielding and almost free from pest attack.”
Md Shefaur Rahman, an officer at the Bina sub-center, said the salinity-tolerant Bina-10 rice saw no pest attack and its production cost is also lower.
He said the farmers will be benefitted if Bangladesh Agricultural Development Corporation (BADC) takes a move to produce seeds of this variety of rice and spread those among them.
Md Abi Abdullah, a Deputy Director of Bangladesh Climate Change Trust Fund Project, said agricultural production is facing a threat due to climate change. “We’ve been working with the farmers to motivate them to cultivate salinity -tolerant rice to face the future challenges.”