Salahuddin’s court appearance likely to defer indefinitely


The legal process to produce BNP leader Salahuddin Ahmed, receiving treatment at a Shillong hospital in
police custody, before Meghalaya court is likely to be deferred for an indefinite time.
Sources at the Meghalaya police told BBC Bangla that the BNP leader will not be taken to the court until he recovers fully.
“This matter (producing court) is now not in our hands …it totally depends on doctors,” Superintendent of Police, East Khasi Hills, M Kharkrang, told the BBC Bangla on Thursday.
Meghalaya police arrested BNP joint secretary general Salahuddin Ahmed on May 11 as he was hanging around aimlessly in Golf Links area of Shillong after nearly two months of his disappearance. Since he had no valid papers, identity proof or travel permit, he was arrested by Meghalaya police and booked under the Foreigners Act.
The BNP leader was shifted to a specialised hospital North East Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences (Neigrihms) from Shillong Civil Hospital on Wednesday for better treatment as he has been suffering from kidney, heart and urological problems.
Meanwhile, Neigrihms formed a medical board with specialised doctors for his treatment.
Salahuddin’s wife Hasina Ahmed who is now in Shillong has repeatedly told media that she wants to take her husband to Singapore for better treatment.
Meghalaya police said they want Salahuddin to stay at the hospital as long as possible. They also clearly said there will be no progress in his case filed under the Foreigners Act until they get any direction from Delhi to this end.
Meanwhile, BNP assistant office secretary Abdul Latif Jony told UNB over phone from Shillong that their detained leader is being given treatment at Neigrihms’ ICU.
Doctors at the hospital examined his medical reports and kept him under the treatment of specialised doctors.
He, however, said they are facing problems in contacting Salahuddin because of tight security measures and tough rules and regulations of the hospital. The BNP leader said Hasina talked to her husband on the hospital corridor for a while when he was taken to pathology for conducting some medical tests.
Hasina also met Shillong’s renowned criminal lawyer SP Mahanta to consult the legal issues.
SP Mahanta told reporters that Shillong police and doctors are attaching top priority to Salahuddin’s treatment.
He also said Salahuddin needs a valid passport to face legal battle in the court.
