Sagar-Runi murder case waiting for DNA report


Md Mahabub Alam :
The investigation officers of Sagar Sarwar and Meherun Runi murder case have been waiting for DNA test report from the United States of America (USA) for two years.
The RAB has nothing to do without the report, sources said.
The family members of Sagar and Runi are in total confusion about justice.
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) collecting some evidences including bloodstained clothes of the victims and sent those to the USA for DNA test.
Later, it received the two DNA profiles but those did not match with the DNA of the eight people, who were arrested suspecting.
Additional Director General of RAB Colonel Ziaul Ahsan told the media that they (RAB) sent more evidences to the USA, adding “We are waiting for the report of the DNA test now”.
Our country’s DNA labs cannot carry out important tests except identification of unidentified decease, fatherhood and motherhood, said an official of an intelligence agency seeking anonymity, adding, “besides, we have no any DNA-database. So, it may be difficult to match the DNA test from the USA”.
Deputy Commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Masudur Rahman said that it was unknown to him whether any criminal was put to trial by identifying through DNA test in the country.
On February 11 in 2012, the then Home Minister Advocate Shahara Khatun directed the law enforcers to trace the killers of the journalists and arrest them in 24 hours. But the law enforcement agencies could not complete the investigation during the two years let alone the arrest of the killers.
Detective Branch (DB) of police handed over the case to the RAB as per the High Court’s directive.
RAB receiving the case conducted the second phase of post mortem by lifting bodies of the journalists from Azimpur graveyard.
RAB arrested so far eight people suspecting their involvement in the murder. But the elite forces could not collect any fruitful evidence from the detainee, ever interrogating them again and again.
The family members of the victims are living in fear and confusion now. Nawsher Roman, younger brother of Runi, said that it was unknown to them what was doing in the name of examination.
The investigation officers are not maintaining communication with them, he said, adding that they did not respond to the family members request for discussion. Saleha Monir, mother of Sagar, echoed the same.
“The main accused are still out of reach. They are yet to be traced. There is no sign of their arrest”, she said, ” The investigation officers are doing nothing but creating a drama in the name of inquiry”.
New State Minister for Home Affairs Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal said that the RAB would be able to dig out the mystery behind the killing and arrest the killers soon.
