Safety Net Programmes must be inclusive

DISCUSSANTS at a roundtable in the city ahead of next budget raised critical reservation on the distribution of the social safety net programmes countrywide carried out by the local government bodies saying its benefits are not reaching the hardcore poor. NGO activists and human rights workers at the discussion said marginalized poor and members of some minority communities across the country are not getting enough of the social safety net support while many of them are even excluded from the list of the beneficiaries. In most cases functionaries of local bodies such as Chairmen and Members of the Union Parishads are blatantly corrupt and ignoring the government guidelines while grabbing resources for their personal benefits. Exclusion of beneficiaries under political consideration is also depriving many from having access to safety net in the form of cash for work or food for work programme.
Discussants have rightly demanded proper monitoring of the system and accountability against theft and misuse of resources. They have also called for ending discrimination in the distribution of benefits. They fear that the deprivation of the poor will continue while some local political leaders and their supporters are taking the bigger part of the resources of the state sponsored programme for the rural ultra-poor.
The discussion was highly focused how the safety net is failing to reach the targeted people but there is no guarantee how the local administration and concerned authorities at the higher level will come to plug the loopholes. Because the safety net programme has become highly politicized at local level in absence of transparency and accountability of local leaders. There is none to challenge them. This is how one of the best humanitarian programmes to help the poor in serious need for support for livelihood is failing to produce desired results.  
Media reports often highlight the theft and seizure of low cost rice the government has put on sale to the poor at Tk 10 per kg. Police arrest of party leaders in many places as they were found selling such rice in local market shows how the state benefit is being denied to the poor. Similar disappearance of wheat meant for distribution to the poor is continuing unabated to suggest it is making some people rich overnight while the poor are remaining deprived of means of livelihood.
Even the government leaders agree that misuse of the safety net programme for the marginalised poor is going on unabated. They blame the systemic flaws but what they did not say is how that can be overcome. We suggest people misusing safety net programme must be sternly dealt with so that the poor can get the desired benefits. It can’t be left open to grabbers keeping the poor unattended.