Safenet For Children

Shared Responsibility Of All

Wares Ali Khan :
Internet based online platforms and free social media have brought a set of positive changes in the attitude, thinking process and daily activities of the common folks around the country. Due to easy access to internet technology, the behavioral pattern of many has been entangled with previously unseen negativity, socially unwanted and odd behaviors. Therefore, internet technology has surely appeared as the mixed blessing for many of us.
There are several risk factors of using online platforms through the internet for children. We have to admit that every child has the right to avail sufficient protection and safety, especially when they access different necessary platforms using the internet. It is true, many children often become victims of unsafe use of internet technology due to lack of adequate protection measures.
Unscrupulous and miscreant folks have gradually been posing a serious threat of defamation, bullying and harassment to the children irrespective of sex through various online platforms associated with internet like- Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Imo, Viber, Twitter, Instagram and so forth. Disregarding the periphery of personal secrecy and safety, offenders often lead the life of children into unwanted circumstances. In most of the cases, the evildoers use slang language, send body shaming text, make mockery, poking, spitting and swearing as well as expose indecent and impolite gestures to the children. By sending vulgar texts and images, proposing for unwanted affairs, sharing nude contents- these heinous blackguards instigate the children to feel intolerable and unadjusted.
For sure, an organized gang of skilled and unified predators is usually involved in these anti-social activities. They make children vulnerable, unsafe and drive them to the huge security threat. The issue of internet security and cyber offence concerning children has to be investigated keenly. Required actions have to be taken as early as possible by the respective law and order maintaining agencies. Considering the gravity of offence, with a view to taking faster and immediate action, there should be a dedicated special cell run by the law and security agencies. The issue of cyber bullying along with a precise and definite definition should be included in the Digital Security Act-2018 for the sake of ensuring safe internet access for children.
The future of the country will certainly remain unsafe until the new generations feel safe. Therefore, a strong protection system for children in case of internet use must be ensured. To comply with safe use of the internet and its protection measures, academic lessons based on internet technology have to be scripted in textbooks for making children further conscious. Publication of comical books with a view to displaying safe use of the internet for children may be annexed in this regard. Teachers who will educate kids have to be satisfactorily familiar with the concept of internet technology, its uses and effects. They have to be skilled enough while dealing with this job of paramount importance.
A dedicated helpline should be operated in order to respond immediately to address the cases related to online security for children. Identified offenders have to be brought under exemplary punishment through a closer investigation and by executing the existing Pornography Control Act-2012 as well as the Digital Security Act-2018.
To remain far away from all negativity induced by internet technology is a shared responsibility of all. We have to boycott these marked social miscreants. It must be kept in mind that this dirty social phenomenon as well as tendency of doing cyber offences based on the internet has not emerged in the society suddenly in a single day. Rather, there are some other issues which are closely related to these unwanted social behaviors. So, issues related to provoking unsafe behaviors of offenders have to be uprooted befittingly with an integral effort.
Lack of social and family values, unemployment, social chaos, degradation, disorder and anarchy associated with the lack of proper measures this growing threat for the kids has remained an increasing trend over the time. Therefore, along with executing laws, practice of family and social values should be adapted properly.
Very often children are used to making mistakes. Therefore, we have to make sure that they are closed during online operations so that we can supervise their activities. By the way, we have to monitor our children’s media behaviors by using online activity filtering software. Children are the source of sacred beauty, lucid happiness and grand tranquility. Their smooth growth and development in a serene and secured atmosphere is always a prime concern. Therefore, we the parents, hope to have an abode more loveable and blissful for our beloved children in the days to come.
(Mr. Khan is a teaching professional and
academic coordinator for kids.
Email: [email protected])