Safe, sustainable repatriation of Rohingyas sought


Jatiya Sangsad (JS) Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury said Myanmar will have to ensure safe, peaceful and sustainable repatriation of the Rohingyas by following a specific framework.
“Bangladesh wants speedy and peaceful repatriation of the Rohingyas through international and bilateral discussions…I urge the world community to take more steps to implement the repatriation process as soon as possible,” she said this on the eighth instant when a delegation of right activists called on her at the JS office here.
Internationally reputed human rights researcher Dr Maung Zarni led the eight-member delegation. The other members of the team included Michael Charney, Razia Sultana, Khin Mai Aung, Nurul Islam, Michimi Muranushi, Doreen Chan and Professor Frederick Jhon Packer, said an official press release.
Shirin said Bangladesh is continuing discussions with the Myanmar on the Rohingya repatriation issue.
She hoped that the Myanmar government will complete the repatriation process honouring the agreement signed by the two countries.
Zarni said the Myanmar government is not giving sufficient cooperation to implement the agreement though they (Myanmar) signed international and bilateral agreements on the Rohingya repatriation issue.
He hoped that the two neighbouring countries – China and India – would play a vital role over this, the release added.
