Safe How We Are?


Azad Joy :
Worldwide Coronavirus pestilence continues, and people around the world are terrified. Imagine that you are screaming standing at a place where the person next to you cannot hear your scream. If there is no wave to travel sound. It is impossible for us live our lives in such a place. We are social beings kinship, Hi, Hello, salam, adab, skill exchange, wandering, smiling, chatting is in our nature. The media we rely on for communication is wind. Wind is not just for the media of waves, but the biggest thing is without wind we cannot survive.
History shows that in the previous era, all the king and warlords fought with their troops at a certain places far away from the locality; to keep the ordinary people safe from war. Their victory was determined there. But with the new tactics of the modern age, the heads of state are in a safe place to lead the war, and the innocent people are killed. Now the war is in the locality, the innocent unarmed people die in thousands. Modern trained warrior and drones targeting the locality and kills innocent people! They do not consider men, women, children and elderly. Now there is no difference seemed in between the terrorist and the military action. We have seen this dirty tactic for the last twenty-five years around the world.
Today we are terrified of the Coronavirus. About 55,000 people have died in the earth since the virus was infected. The infection has brought the existence of humanity into question. The daily routine of earning a living is being closed to save lives. Large countries around the world are straggling to control the transmission of the Coronavirus. Many countries spend billions of dollars trying to find an antidote. We all want them to succeed as fast as they can, and save the human race from this unwanted death.
But, will the human race learn something good from the death of thousands of people this time, or will be willing to create something even more terrifying and even more deadly. The Coronavirus is not a natural infection, it is a biological tool created by humans. This somehow spread through the laboratory all over the world. Although there are rumors about which country has created the virus, no one has yet claimed responsibility. With no antidote, Corona continues her destruction.
Scientists will find a way to control the coronavirus someday. But how safe we are! History shows that thousands of people have risked their lives from time to time in the madness of displaying power of powerful states. >From the beginning of civilization, people have used arrows, swords, canons and ammunition, then rockets, missiles, atomic bombs to defeat each other. There is currently a secret research going on chemical and biological weapon making. The more terrifying and deadly the weapon will be, the greater the risk of humankind being wiped out.
Someday, someone will use a weapon that will destroy the atmosphere of our planet in the display of their power. In the absence of pure air, billions of people will die. The skin of the body will be burn with the touch of sunlight. The world will lose its food production capacity. Food and water problems will be fatal. The great scholars of religious will call it Judgment Day or Resurrection to be free from liability. Today people are looking for PPE for protection from Coronavirus, astronaut suit will be necessary for mankind to survive then. You and I have to wait in line for food and water. If you scream in thirst from your suit, man beside you will not hear your cries. We are slowly moving towards that future.
In 2020, we are living in the revolution of the technology era. Our present life is very advance, the triumph of technology all around. As modern science and advanced technology is make our daily lives easy and comfortable, is also intimidating. The discovery of modern weapons is pushing the human race to the brink of extinction. Have we ever imagined a future like this? Man-made threats like the Coronavirus are a danger behind our very existence. The human race may be released from biological weapons like the Coronavirus in the future, but how safe are we really?

(Azad Joy, journalist)
