SAARC People Link Forum thanks India for clearing LBA


BSS, Rajshahi :
‘SAARC People Link Forum-BD’ a citizen initiative on Saturday thanked India for clearing the operationalisation of the ‘Land Boundary Agreement’.
SAARC People Link Forum-BD formed a human chain at Shaheb Bazar Zero Point area in this connection in the city yesterday.
‘This is a very historic and landmark day (for Indo-Bangladesh ties) as the demarcation of the land boundary between the two countries has been completed after 41 years.
Whatever little bit of work is left will be completed soon. We thank Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj,’ President of SAARC People Link Forum-BD said Mustafizur Rahma Khan Alam.
During the hour-long human chain programme SAARC People Link Forum-BD General Secretary Kalpana Ray said Thursday’s development settles an old issue and will prepare new grounds for enhancing bilateral ties, especially in economic sector.
Oil-gas protect national committee Rajshahi convener Abul Kalam Azad, Jatiya Adibashi Parishad President Rabindranath Saren, Freedom Fighter Shahjahan Ali Barjahan, cultural activists Anindita Afrin addressed the human chain programme.
