S M Amzad Hossain, Chairman South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce (SBAC) Bank Ltd, receiving CIP (commercially important person) card from Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed as ex-officio member of FBCCI in the trade category for 2015. Ministry of Commerce and Export Promotion Bureau (EPB) jointly organized a ceremony to recognize the CIPs in Export and Trade at a hotel in the city on Monday. A CIP card holder will get special pass to enter the Secretariat, use special stickers on own car and receive invitations to attend some public functions.

S M Amzad Hossain, Chairman South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce (SBAC) Bank Ltd, receiving CIP (commercially important person) card from Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed as ex-officio member of FBCCI in the trade category for 2015. Ministry of Commerce an
S M Amzad Hossain, Chairman South Bangla Agriculture and Commerce (SBAC) Bank Ltd, receiving CIP (commercially important person) card from Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed as ex-officio member of FBCCI in the trade category for 2015. Ministry of Commerce an

