S. M. Abu Mohsin, Chairman of NCC Bank Limited, presided over the bank’s 36th AGM held through virtually on Thursday. The AGM approved 15 percent dividend (7.5% Cash + 7.5% Stock) for the year 2020. Md. Abul Bashar, Vice-Chairman, Engineer Abdus Salam, EC Chairman, Md. Nurun Newaz Salim, Risk Management Committee Chairman, Md. Abdul Awal, Sohela Hossain, Tanzina Ali, Khairul Alam Chaklader, Mohammed Sazzad Un Newaz, Directors, Nurul Islam Chowdhury, Independent Director & Audit Committee Chairman and Mohammad Mamdudur Rashid, Managing Director & CEO of the bank were present.

S. M. Abu Mohsin, Chairman of NCC Bank Limited, presided over the bank's 36th AGM held through virtually on Thursday. The AGM approved 15 percent dividend (7.5% Cash + 7.5% Stock) for the year 2020. Md. Abul Bashar, Vice-Chairman, Engineer Abdus Salam, E
S. M. Abu Mohsin, Chairman of NCC Bank Limited, presided over the bank's 36th AGM held through virtually on Thursday. The AGM approved 15 percent dividend (7.5% Cash + 7.5% Stock) for the year 2020. Md. Abul Bashar, Vice-Chairman, Engineer Abdus Salam, E