Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: Latest developments

Ukrainian Marines take part in multinational Sea Breeze 2021 military exercises involving more than 30 countries near Kherson, Ukraine. Agency photo
Ukrainian Marines take part in multinational Sea Breeze 2021 military exercises involving more than 30 countries near Kherson, Ukraine. Agency photo

Here are the latest developments in Russia’s war in Ukraine: Kharkiv bombarded: Russian forces bombard government headquarters in the centre of Ukraine’s second city Kharkiv after pounding residential areas of the city, killing at least 11 civilians, its mayor says.
Kyiv braces: Satellite images show a vast military column amassing just north of the Ukrainian capital Kyiv, where residents are braced for a Russian assault. The Russian army tells them they can “freely leave” on one highway going south as it hints of attacks on civilian areas.
Russians reach Kherson-Russian forces reach the southern city of Kherson near Moscow-controlled Crimea, setting up checkpoints on its outskirts, its mayor says. Moscow claimed to have besieged the city two days ago.
Port city without power: The strategic Black Sea port city of Mariupol is left without electricity after Russian attacks.
Zelensky to address European MPs: President Volodymyr Zelensky is to address the European Parliament by videolink a day after pleading for urgent EU membership for Ukraine.
Shipments to Russia halted: Danish shipping giant Maersk says it will stop transporting non-essential goods to Russia, further squeezing its crumbling economy.
War crimes: International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan says there is a “reasonable basis” to believe “war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed” since 2014. 660,000 refugees: Nearly 660,000 people fled Ukraine in the last five days, the UN’s refugee agency says, with tens of thousands more displaced inside the country.
Talks to continue: Negotiators from Ukraine and Russia end a first round of talks with no breakthrough. Both sides agree to conduct a second round “soon”.
Turkey blocks warships: Turkey blocks warships from the Bosphorus and Dardanelles strait, limiting the movement of Russian and other naval assets by invoking a 1936 treaty.
Putin’s demands: In a call with French President Emmanuel Macron, Russian leader Vladimir Putindemands the “demilitarisation and denazification” of Ukraine and that the West recognise his annexation of Crimea.
Russian conductor fired: The Munich Philharmonic sacks Russian conductor Valery Gergiev, who is close to Putin, after he fails to respond to a request to denounce Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.
Nuclear fear : The head of the UN atomic energy watchdog, the IAEA, expresses “grave concern” that invading Russian troops are operating close to Zaporizhzhia, the largest nuclear power station in Ukraine.
Russia kicked out of World Cup: Russia ihas been expelled from the 2022 World Cup and its teams suspended from ll international football competitions “until further notice”, FIFA and UEFA say.
