Recipes: Russian Salad

Ingredients :
100gms French beans
100gms carrot
100gms green peas
225gms potatoes
1 small can (450 grams) pineapple slices
2 apples
100gms fresh cream
1 cup mayonnaise
1 boiled beetroot
1 head lettuce
salt to taste
sugar to taste
freshly ground black pepper (kalimirch) powder to taste
Cut the vegetables into small pieces and boil.
Chop the pineapples and apples.
Mix the fruits and vegetables, and add salt and pepper.
Mix the mayonnaise and cream.
Mix this mayonnaise thoroughly with vegetables. Add salt, pepper and sugar.
Line a salad bowl with salad leaves. Pile the salad in the centre.
Decorates with slices of beetroot.
Serve cold.