Russian people must also join others to stop Putin before it is too late


Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine six days ago, hundreds of Ukrainians from various ages, opinions and levels have been crossing borders with European countries to join the Ukrainian fight against Russia. According to global media reports, most of those crossing back to Ukraine are in their twenties and thirties. Some of them have reportedly previous military training and they are ready to fight against the Russian invasion.
The refugees are getting all help from different countries. Aid is pouring in from all corners of the world.
Russia’s military mobilisation for invasion of independent Ukraine is a clear and brutal violation of the country’s sovereignty. It is an outrageous and foolish assessment that the world and in particular, the Western countries, will tolerate such assault on the very foundation of the world order in favour of sovereignty of a country and democracy of the people to decide its own fate that has been in place since the end of World War II. It is insanity of a small man having big war arsenal including self-destructive nuclear weapons.

It is certainly a matter of great hope that President Putin has been cornered and isolated. He underestimated the amazing resolve and courage of Ukrainian government and its people to resist and take on a super power like Russia for their freedom. The leaders risking their lives and providing courage to their people to fight. They are not fleeing the country for their own safety. This is called leadership. The world is proud of them.
But the war is costing heavy loss of lives of men, women and children and destruction. Putin is facing a desperate situation for his own survival. Ukraine is getting soldiers and young men from neighbouring countries to the fight against Putin’s unjust war to advance his type of authoritarianism. The country is provided with supply of weapons from the USA as well as from European Union. Ukraine has already applied to be part of the European Union and NATO’s collective defence arrangement.

The harshest economic sanctions and others restrictions on the movements over the sky and on land delivered by the world community will make it impossible for President Putin to succeed in achieving success. He will also not be able to continue the futile war for long to be sure.


So the countries ready to save Ukraine and the world from frustrated and abnormal Putin must move effectively and fast to stop him. He has already put delivery system of nuclear weapons on the highest alert. The USA and others Western powers will do an irredeemable mistake if they underestimate the madness of Putin. Lives of Russians and others do not mean anything to him. He is not even seem to be awareness that many other countries have nuclear weapons far more devastating to use against him and his country.

The Russians are showing in clear terms that the war against Ukraine is not Russian war in Russia’s interest, it is Putin’s war for his vanity. Hundreds of protesters in Russia are coming out in the streets of Russia and a large number of them got arrested.
We earnestly hope the people of Russia will rise in unison to oppose power hungry Putin and bring his downfall before it is too late to protect themselves and others from the terrible disaster. He is capable of bringing disaster for Russia and all others by starting a nuclear war.
