Russian missile brought down MH17 over Ukraine

Al Jazeera News :
Investigators say they have ‘convincing evidence’ to support their report of the incident which killed 298 people.
An international criminal investigating body has concluded that a Russian missile brought down the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine in 2014.
In a report released on Thursday, investigators said they have “convincing evidence” to support their report, but no one has been named as the culprit of the case.
Hundreds perish as Malaysian airliner is shot down in Ukraine
All 298 people onboard the aircraft from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur were killed.
At that time, Russian-backed forces were fighting for control of eastern Ukraine.
Moscow and the Ukrainian anti-government groups it supports, have previously denied involvement in the incident. In 2015, Russia vetoed a United Nations resolution seeking to create an international tribunal to prosecute those who shot down the plane.
Al Jazeera’s Rory Challands, reporting from St. Petersburg in Russia, said the new findings from the investigation team have been known for months from reports by citizens journalists.
“The investigation hasn’t specificially named names, but it is clear from what they have been saying today that they are pointing the blame
today at the Russian military itself,” our correspondent said.
For years, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said Russia must be held accountable for the downing of the plane. During the third annivesary of the tragedy, Poroshenko described it as a “barefaced crime”.
At the time of the incident, Russian and Ukrainian forces have been fighting after Moscow annexed Crimea.